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How  In24STOP  works
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Your first treatment: In your first In24STOP  treatment you will receive a specialised YinYang Needling treatment for nicotine addiction – which will continue to take effect for the next 24 hours.  This treatment is solely designed to stop the intense cravings that cause you to continually need a cigarette.  It will enable you to give up smoking right now. Your second treatment: Within 24 hours or so, you will receive a second YinYang Needling treatment. This second treatment is the secret to never smoking again.  It accelerates your body’s natural process of cleaning and detoxifying your blood (after you have stopped smoking – due to your first treatment). After the second treatment you will have no addiction to cigarettes ever again, because it removes all the addictive toxins – and it is these toxins that cause you to return to smoking again and again, whenever you try to give up on your own. In brief, the first treatment enables you to stop smoking now; and the second treatment stops you from ever needing to smoke again.
Please note: The treatments used by In24STOP are not used by acupuncturists, or other quit smoking providers.  Unlike the others, we do not stimulate the pleasure chemicals in the brain to make you feel good, providing the same feelings as the nicotine gives.  In24STOP treatment removes the cravings, and accelerates the body’s natural ability to remove all the toxins that cause you to be addicted to cigarettes. . .  And therefore, once these cravings and addictions are gone you won’t need to smoke ever again. The specialised combination of In24STOP YinYang Needling points and sequence of treatments have been perfected following hundreds of hours of research and investigation, carried out (under licence) by the Wu-Chi YinYang Medicine Group. For your information: In24STOP treatment is a blend of the original, ancient sciences that acupuncture was originally founded upon (especially those pertaining to the treatment of opium addictions); coupled with modern science’s knowledge about how the body stores and deals with the nicotine and other toxins that cause cravings and addictions through smoking tobacco. From this combination of old-Eastern & new Western science came a formula that unlocks a natural process in the human body that not only stops a person from smoking, but it removes all the elements that cause their addiction to cigarettes. Furthermore, In24STOP greatly stimulates the body’s natural desire to repair itself from the continual intake of poisons inhaled through smoking. All of these things put together are what contribute to the huge success that In24STOP is achieving today.
Call Now and Be Smoke-Free in 24 Hours
So how does in24STOP stop me from smoking in one treatment? Whenever a smoker makes up their mind that they want to stop smoking, they will find that their whole body has an allergic reaction to any normal attempts they make to stop.  This is because every cell in their body craves nicotine and the absence of nicotine makes their whole body feel very uncomfortable.  This is what gives rise to intense physical cravings . . . and it is these intense cravings that force them to return to smoking.  It is these intense physical cravings that In24STOP instantly takes away in one treatment.  NOT ten treatments, or over a month, BUT right away.  There and then, from your first treatment it is finished with forever! In the In24STOP therapy there are TWO different treatments (within 24 hours of each other). 1. The first treatment takes away your continual cravings for a cigarette – which STOPS you from smoking now (instantly).  This treatment lasts for about 24 hours; 2. The second treatment is a detoxification treatment that builds on top of the first treatment; and because for the past 24 hours you have been a non-smoker, it causes your body to start an accelerated elimination process that will safely get rid of all the toxic addictions caused by your smoking over the years – which STOPS you from needing a cigarette ever again (forever).
Cigarette Toxins & Nicotine    You are probably aware that there are thousands of toxins in a single cigarette. If these substances were put directly into your bloodstream it would be very dangerous - likely kill you. So your liver stores these toxins in  your liver. IT IS THE STORAGE OF THE TOXINS IN THE LIVER THAT MAKES YOU CRAVE. That is aside from the short term stimulation of the reward-pleasure pathways in the brain. When you stop smoking the liver begins is release nicotine and other toxins but this also produces an allergic-type reaction in the bloodstream which aggitates the body - and then the desire to sedate this disturbing reaction discomfort with another cigarette. Once you  smoke the liver stops the release of the cigarette toxins and the addicition is reinforced or rewritten in the livers chemical coding. In24STOP treatment counters this in three ways. 1st: your initial treatment will stimulate the release of 70% of the toxins overnight.* The second treatment releases the remaining 30% of the toxins. 2nd: it calms the mal-adaptive allergic response to stopping the substance; AND quiets the body’s reaction to the released toxins. 3rd: it cleanses the bloodstream and stimulates the release of the toxins out of the body in the urine. *20% of clients will crave or become irritable after the first treatment overnight, but that will cease during and then continually after the second treament. If the person was to deliberately smoke between the first and second treatment the liver would cease to release the toxins and the cravings will be put back into the body. t’s the 2nd treatment that stops you smoking forever,  But you have to be a non-smoker first. The 1st treatment stop you smoking because it undoes cravings and stimulates  powerful detoxification. The 2nd treatment completes the detoxification and because you are a non- smoker following the 1st treatment and with all toxins gone from your liver - you cannot crave. You may still have a ‘want’ to smoke.                            After your treatments you will have no physical cravings, but you may still have a want. This is because your mind is used to reaching habitually for a cigarette to sedate any nervous agitation or stress. Nicotine is a poison that has a sedative effect. It has become a ritual or knee-jerk reaction.  You now need to use your mind to say no. Your free will is important. You are no longer a slave to smoking, bound by the physical addiction but smoking was a convenient, and detrimental, way of managing stress. If someone offers you a cigarette, you need to say no. If you don’t use your decision making powers of your will but just ‘go with the flow’ and stick a cigarette in your mouth you will reset the addiction back into the liver. There may be social or peer pressures to tempt you to smoke, but you are now free NOT to smoke. New Routines                                                                    That little ritual or routine is a habit that can be broken by taking up new activities and changes your routines - schedule exercise into the time slots when you used to smoke. Look for new rewards like feeling exhilarated after achievement or exercise. Improve your nutrition. Don’t rely on stimulants but rather rely on nutrition, and wholesome activities. Learn to manage your stress. Solve problems, manage your affairs so unresolved problem don’t dam up - and then burst out. Good preparation and decision-making skills are essential. Create opportunities - don’t make yourself a victim of circumstances.
Your first treatment: In your first In24STOP  treatment you will receive a specialised YinYang Needling treatment for nicotine addiction – which will continue to take effect for the next 24 hours.  This treatment is solely designed to stop the intense cravings that cause you to continually need a cigarette.  It will enable you to give up smoking right now. Your second treatment: Within 24 hours or so, you will receive a second YinYang Needling treatment. This second treatment is the secret to never smoking again.  It accelerates your body’s natural process of cleaning and detoxifying your blood (after you have stopped smoking – due to your first treatment). After the second treatment you will have no addiction to cigarettes ever again, because it removes all the addictive toxins – and it is these toxins that cause you to return to smoking again and again, whenever you try to give up on your own. In brief, the first treatment enables you to stop smoking now; and the second treatment stops you from ever needing to smoke again.
Please note: The treatments used by In24STOP are not used by acupuncturists, or other quit smoking providers.  Unlike the others, we do not stimulate the pleasure chemicals in the brain to make you feel good, providing the same feelings as the nicotine gives.  In24STOP treatment removes the cravings, and accelerates the body’s natural ability to remove all the toxins that cause you to be addicted to cigarettes. . .  And therefore, once these cravings and addictions are gone you won’t need to smoke ever again. The specialised combination of In24STOP YinYang Needling points and sequence of treatments have been perfected following hundreds of hours of research and investigation, carried out (under licence) by the Wu-Chi YinYang Medicine Group. For your information: In24STOP treatment is a blend of the original, ancient sciences that acupuncture was originally founded upon (especially those pertaining to the treatment of opium addictions); coupled with modern science’s knowledge about how the body stores and deals with the nicotine and other toxins that cause cravings and addictions through smoking tobacco. From this combination of old-Eastern & new Western science came a formula that unlocks a natural process in the human body that not only stops a person from smoking, but it removes all the elements that cause their addiction to cigarettes. Furthermore, In24STOP greatly stimulates the body’s natural desire to repair itself from the continual intake of poisons inhaled through smoking. All of these things put together are what contribute to the huge success that In24STOP is achieving today.
So how does in24STOP stop me from smoking in one treatment? Whenever a smoker makes up their mind that they want to stop smoking, they will find that their whole body has an allergic reaction to any normal attempts they make to stop.  This is because every cell in their body craves nicotine and the absence of nicotine makes their whole body feel very uncomfortable.  This is what gives rise to intense physical cravings . . . and it is these intense cravings that force them to return to smoking.  It is these intense physical cravings that In24STOP instantly takes away in one treatment.  NOT ten treatments, or over a month, BUT right away.  There and then, from your first treatment it is finished with forever! In the In24STOP therapy there are TWO different treatments (within 24 hours of each other). 1. The first treatment takes away your continual cravings for a cigarette – which STOPS you from smoking now (instantly).  This treatment lasts for about 24 hours; 2. The second treatment is a detoxification treatment that builds on top of the first treatment; and because for the past 24 hours you have been a non-smoker, it causes your body to start an accelerated elimination process that will safely get rid of all the toxic addictions caused by your smoking over the years – which STOPS you from needing a cigarette ever again (forever).
Call Now and Be Smoke-Free in 24 Hours
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Cigarette Toxins & Nicotine  You are probably aware that there are thousands of toxins in a single cigarette. If these substances were put directly into your bloodstream it would be very dangerous - likely kill you. So your liver stores these toxins in  your liver. IT IS THE STORAGE OF THE TOXINS IN THE LIVER THAT MAKES YOU CRAVE. That is aside from the short term stimulation of the reward-pleasure pathways in the brain. When you stop smoking the liver begins is release nicotine and other toxins but this also produces an allergic-type reaction in the bloodstream which agitates the body - and then the desire to sedate this disturbing reaction discomfort with another cigarette. Once you  smoke the liver stops the release of the cigarette toxins and the addicition is reinforced or rewritten in the livers chemical coding. In24STOP treatment counters this in three ways. 1st: your initial treatment will stimulate the release of 70- 90% of the toxins overnight.* The second treatment releases the remaining 30% of the toxins. 2nd: it calms the mal-adaptive allergic response to stopping the substance; AND quiets the body’s reaction to the released toxins. 3rd: it cleanses the bloodstream and stimulates the release of the toxins out of the body in the urine. *20% of clients will crave or become irritable after the first treatment overnight, but that will cease during and then continually after the second treament. If the person was to deliberately smoke between the first and second treatment the liver would cease to release the toxins and the cravings will be put back into the body. It’s the 2nd treatment that stops you smoking forever,  But you have to be a non-smoker first. The 1st treatment stop you smoking because it undoes cravings and stimulates  powerful detoxification. The 2nd treatment completes the detoxification and because you are a non- smoker following the 1st treatment and with all toxins gone from your liver - you cannot crave. You will still have a ‘want’ to smoke.                            After your treatments you will have no physical cravings, but you may still have a want. This is because your mind is used to reaching habitually for a cigarette to sedate any nervous agitation or stress. Nicotine is a poison that has a sedative effect. It has become a ritual or knee-jerk reaction. You now need to use your mind to say no. Your free will is important. You are no longer a slave to smoking, bound by the physical addiction but smoking was a convenient, and detrimental, way of managing stress. If someone offers you a cigarette, you need to say no. If you don’t use your decision making powers of your will but just ‘go with the flow’ and stick a cigarette in your mouth you will reset the addiction back into the liver. There may be social or peer pressures to tempt you to smoke, but you are now free NOT to smoke. New Routines                                                                    That little ritual or routine is a habit that can be broken by taking up new activities and changes your routines - schedule exercise into the time slots when you used to smoke. Look for new rewards like feeling exhilarated after achievement or exercise. Improve your nutrition. Don’t rely on stimulants but rather rely on nutrition, and wholesome activities. Learn to manage your stress. Solve problems, manage your affairs so unresolved problem don’t dam up - and then burst out. Good preparation and decision-making skills are essential. Create opportunities - don’t make yourself a victim of circumstances.
How In24STOP works
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Your first treatment: In your first In24STOP  treatment you will receive a specialised YinYang Needling treatment for nicotine addiction – which will continue to take effect for the next 24 hours.  This treatment is solely designed to stop the intense cravings that cause you to continually need a cigarette.  It will enable you to give up smoking right now. Your second treatment: Within 24 hours or so, you will receive a second YinYang Needling treatment. This second treatment is the secret to never smoking again.  It accelerates your body’s natural process of cleaning and detoxifying your blood (after you have stopped smoking – due to your first treatment). After the second treatment you will have no addiction to cigarettes ever again, because it removes all the addictive toxins – and it is these toxins that cause you to return to smoking again and again, whenever you try to give up on your own. In brief, the first treatment enables you to stop smoking now; and the second treatment stops you from ever needing to smoke again.
Please note: The treatments used by In24STOP are not used by acupuncturists, or other quit smoking providers.  Unlike the others, we do not stimulate the pleasure chemicals in the brain to make you feel good, providing the same feelings as the nicotine gives.  In24STOP treatment removes the cravings, and accelerates the body’s natural ability to remove all the toxins that cause you to be addicted to cigarettes. . .  And therefore, once these cravings and addictions are gone you won’t need to smoke ever again. The specialised combination of In24STOP YinYang Needling points and sequence of treatments have been perfected following hundreds of hours of research and investigation, carried out (under licence) by the Wu-Chi YinYang Medicine Group. For your information: In24STOP treatment is a blend of the original, ancient sciences that acupuncture was originally founded upon (especially those pertaining to the treatment of opium addictions); coupled with modern science’s knowledge about how the body stores and deals with the nicotine and other toxins that cause cravings and addictions through smoking tobacco. From this combination of old- Eastern & new Western science came a formula that unlocks a natural process in the human body that not only stops a person from smoking, but it removes all the elements that cause their addiction to cigarettes. Furthermore, In24STOP greatly stimulates the body’s natural desire to repair itself from the continual intake of poisons inhaled through smoking. All of these things put together are what contribute to the huge success that In24STOP is achieving today.
Call Now and Be Smoke-Free in 24 Hours
So how does in24STOP stop me from smoking in one treatment? Whenever a smoker makes up their mind that they want to stop smoking, they will find that their whole body has an allergic reaction to any normal attempts they make to stop.  This is because every cell in their body craves nicotine and the absence of nicotine makes their whole body feel very uncomfortable.  This is what gives rise to intense physical cravings . . . and it is these intense cravings that force them to return to smoking.  It is these intense physical cravings that In24STOP instantly takes away in one treatment.  NOT ten treatments, or over a month, BUT right away.  There and then, from your first treatment it is finished with forever! In the In24STOP therapy there are TWO different treatments (within 24 hours of each other). 1. The first treatment takes away your continual cravings for a cigarette – which STOPS you from smoking now (instantly).  This treatment lasts for about 24 hours; 2. The second treatment is a detoxification treatment that builds on top of the first treatment; and because for the past 24 hours you have been a non-smoker, it causes your body to start an accelerated elimination process that will safely get rid of all the toxic addictions caused by your smoking over the years – which STOPS you from needing a cigarette ever again (forever).
How In24STOP Works
Call Now and Be Smoke-Free in 24 Hours
Cigarette Toxins & Nicotine      You are probably aware that there are thousands of toxins in a single cigarette. If these substances were put directly into your bloodstream it would be very dangerous - likely kill you. So your liver stores these toxins in  your liver. IT IS THE STORAGE OF THE TOXINS IN THE LIVER THAT MAKES YOU CRAVE. That is aside from the short term stimulation of the reward-pleasure pathways in the brain. When you stop smoking the liver begins is release nicotine and other toxins but this also produces an allergic-type reaction in the bloodstream which aggitates the body - and then the desire to sedate this disturbing reaction discomfort with another cigarette. Once you  smoke the liver stops the release of the cigarette toxins and the addicition is reinforced or rewritten in the livers chemical coding. In24STOP treatment counters this in three ways. 1st: your initial treatment will stimulate the release of 70% of the toxins overnight.* The second treatment releases the remaining 30% of the toxins. 2nd: it calms the mal-adaptive allergic response to stopping the substance; AND quiets the body’s reaction to the released toxins. 3rd: it cleanses the bloodstream and stimulates the release of the toxins out of the body in the urine. *20% of clients will crave or become irritable after the first treatment overnight, but that will cease during and then continually after the second treament. If the person was to deliberately smoke between the first and second treatment the liver would cease to release the toxins and the cravings will be put back into the body. It’s the 2nd treatment that stops you smoking forever, But you have to be a non-smoker first. The 1st treatment stop you smoking because it undoes cravings and stimulates  powerful detoxification. The 2nd treatment completes the detoxification and because you are a non-smoker following the 1st treatment and with all toxins gone from your liver - you cannot crave. You will still have a ‘want’ to smoke.                                       After your treatments you will have no physical cravings, but you may still have a want. This is because your mind is used to reaching habitually for a cigarette to sedate any nervous agitation or stress. Nicotine is a poison that has a sedative effect. It has become a ritual or knee-jerk reaction. You now need to use your mind to say no. Your free will is important. You are no longer a slave to smoking, bound by the physical addiction but smoking was a convenient, and detrimental, way of managing stress. If someone offers you a cigarette, you need to say no. If you don’t use your decision making powers of your will but just ‘go with the flow’ and stick a cigarette in your mouth you will reset the addiction back into the liver. There may be social or peer pressures to tempt you to smoke, but you are now free NOT to smoke. New Routines                                                                    That little ritual or routine is a habit that can be broken by taking up new activities and changes your routines - schedule exercise into the time slots when you used to smoke. Look for new rewards like feeling exhilarated after achievement or exercise. Improve your nutrition. Don’t rely on stimulants but rather rely on nutrition, and wholesome activities. Learn to manage your stress.  Solve problems, manage your affairs so unresolved problem don’t dam up - and then burst out. Good preparation and decision-making skills are essential. Create opportunities - don’t make yourself a victim of circumstances.
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