Location:24 Parkland Drive, Pacific ParadiseTake the Twin Waters-Mudjimba turn off the Sunshine Motorway. Turn towards Twin Waters & take the 1st Left into Kowonga Street.
How it Will Work for You.As we balance your internal health and strengthen your body’s structure & function, your own natural healing processes quickly regain their power; reviving your body’s ability to overcome disease & heal itself.
Call now: 0452588933
By Appointment Only
Your Natural HealthCare Professionals
• Healing of Serious or Complex Issues Support for persistant or compound conditions.• 101 Common Health ProblemsResolve causes - as well as symptoms.• Freedom of MovementInjury repair and relief from debilitating pain.• Diagnosis & Solutions YinYang medical diagnosis to identify causes.• HealthCare Education Simple ways to maintain good quality of life.
Why BioChi?BioChi combines Eastern & Western Natural Medicines; ranging from the latest eating and nutritional science which uses plant-based, whole foods as medicine - denoted by the word ‘Bio’ through to ancient YinYang Needling which deals with ‘Chi’ (energy) & its balancing effects on our health.Together that makes BioChi.
Are your health problems resisting treatment? Call now.
By Appointment Only
Dear Reader,I love helping people get well; I’ve had 32 years of extensive clinical practise doing just that - with thousand of patients.The efficacy of YinYang Medicine is remarkable. It can bring rapid improvement to a wide-range of difficult to treat problems - although it’s not the medicine of choice for every condition.I’m distressed when I observe so many local people suffering from unrelieved ill-health; when relief would be available for them with YinYang Medicine. If you know someone who is struggling under chronic illness or pain; suggest they give me a call to see if I would be able to help in their case - I don’t make any guarantees nor false claims.Respectfully,Phil Johnston.
Owen Wright’s YinYang Needling StoryHave a look at these short YouTube videos by professional surfer Owen Wright; he tells how YYN aided his rapidly recover from severe brain injuries to go on to win the Quicksilver Pro title - it’s an amazing story.
YinYang Needling is a powerful agent in the repair & recovery of severe injury and trauma.
Become a Practitioner of YinYang Needling in 10 months.This is an exciting opportunity to start a new career doing something truely worthwhile and rewarding - both medically & financially.Our students achieve amazing resuls with very difficult to treat conditions mid-way through the course.
Tai-Chi ClassesI teach YinYang Tai-Chi Classes on the SunShine Coast. Tai-Chi is a fascinating activity to play. It is a great physical and mental culture.
It is a an exercise form, from
the YinYang Medicine
Exercise & Activity Therapies
Do you feel really happy with your health?
Sunshine Coast Central
For all of your Family’s Natural HealthCare needs.Different problems effect your health at each stage of life. Your health in the next stage is built on the sum total of the previous stage. We can even neutralise the residual ill-effects of past unresolved illness or major injury with the ancient medical craft of YinYang Needling.
Bring vibrancy & vitality through your blood, bone & sinew.
Faster Results & Fewer Repeat Visits
Don’t Give Up On Your Health!
Powerful, Natural, Drug-Free Therapies
Phil Johnston / BioChi ClinicYinYang Medicine Practitioner
Related Courses
I had a severe case of tendonopathy in both elbows. I could not move my arms or shut my hands because I was in so much pain. I was on pain killers and anti-inflammatories just to get out of bed in the morning. I now have no pain in my elbows, and full function of my arms & hands. I have lost a great amount of weight. I have returned to work after 18 months off. I experienced strong, positive results after the first couple of treatments. I credit my recovery to Phil Johnston of BioChi Clinic. Brian H. Peachester. QLD
TrustedA n c i e n t m e d i c i n e c o m b i n e d with modern, leading-edgen u t r i t i o n a l science.
COMMON-SENSE Practical Advice
Helping you to find energy & motivation that you once had.
Origin of YinYang Medicine.These Medicines were developed within the ‘Hundred Schools of Thought’, 2600 years ago in Ancient China.YinYang Needling is Unique.YinYang Needling is NOT Traditional Chinese, Japanese or Medical Acupuncture; or Modern Dry Needling
YinYang Needing
Phil Johnston / BioChi ClinicYinYang Medicine Practitioner
Your Natural HealthCare Professionals
Are your health problems resisting treatment? Call now.
Losing your health is a raw deal. Good health and happiness belongs to you! Remember how good it felt when you had it? Let me work to help you get that feeling back again...we’ve done it time after time with really tough cases.
Call now: 0452588933
By Appointment Only
Owen Wright’s YinYang Needling StoryHave a look at these short YouTube videos by professional surfer Owen Wright; he tells how YYN aided his rapidly recover from severe brain injuries to go on to win the Quicksilver Pro - it’s an amazing story.
Origin of YinYang Medicine.These Medicines were developed within the ‘Hundred Schools of Thought’, 2600 years ago in Ancient China.YinYang Needling is Unique.YinYang Needling is NOT Traditional Chinese, Japanese or Medical Acupuncture; or Modern Dry Needling
YinYang Needling is a powerful agent in the repair & recovery of severe injury & trauma.
• Healing of Serious or Complex Issues Support for persistant or compound conditions.• 101 Common Health ProblemsResolve causes - as well as symptoms.• Freedom of MovementInjury repair and relief from debilitating pain.• Diagnosis & Solutions YinYang medical diagnosis to identify causes.• HealthCare Education Simple ways to maintain good quality of life.
Call now: 0452588933
By Appointment Only
Location:24 Parkland Drive, Pacific ParadiseTake the Twin Waters-Mudjimba turn off the Sunshine Motorway. Turn towards Twin Waters & take the 1st Left into Kowonga Street.
By Appointment Only
Do you feel really happy with your health?
Become a Practitioner of YinYang Needling .This is an exciting opportunity to start a new career doing something truely worthwhile and rewarding - both medically & financially.Our students achieve amazing resuls with very difficult to treat conditions mid-way through the course.
Why BioChi?BioChi combines Eastern & Western Natural Medicines; ranging from the latest eating and nutritional science which uses plant-based, whole foods as medicine - denoted by the word ‘Bio’ through to ancient YinYang Needling which deals with ‘Chi’ (energy) & its balancing effects on our health. The joining of these medicines is what we mean by the term ‘BioChi’.
Dear Reader,I love helping people get well; I’ve had 32 years of extensive clinical practise doing just that - with thousand of patients.The efficacy of YinYang Medicine is remarkable. It can bring rapid improvement to a wide-range of difficult to treat problems - although it’s not the medicine of choice for every condition.I’m distressed when I observe so many local people suffering from unrelieved ill-health; when relief would be available for them with YinYang Medicine. If you know someone who is struggling under the burden of chronic illness or pain; suggest they give me a call to see if I would be able to help in their case - I don’t make any guarantees nor false claims.Respectfully,Phil Johnston.
For all your Family’s NaturalHealthCare needs.Different problems effect your health at each stage of life. Your health in the next stage is built on the sum total of the previous stage. We can even neutralise the residual ill-effects of past unresolved illness or major injury with the ancient medical craft of YinYang Needling.
Don’t Give Up On Your Health!
Tai-Chi & Kung-Fu Classes.I teach YinYang Tai-Chi Classes on the SunShine Coast. Tai-Chi is a fascinating activity to play. It is a great physical and mental culture.
Bring vibrancy & vitality into all of your energy systems, organs, blood, bone & sinew - and into your mind.
TrustedA n c i e n t m e d i c i n e c o m b i n e d with modern, leading-edgen u t r i t i o n a l science.
I had a severe case of tendonopathy in both elbows. I could not move my arms or shut my hands because I was in so much pain. I was on pain killers and anti-inflammatories just to get out of bed in the morning. I now have no pain in my elbows, and full function of my arms & hands. I have lost a great amount of weight. I have returned to work after 18 months off. I experienced strong, positive results after the first couple of treatments. I credit my recovery to Phil Johnston of BioChi Clinic. Brian H. Peachester. QLD
“How it Will Work for You.As we balance your internal health and strengthen your body’s structure & function, your own natural healing processes quickly regain their power; reviving your body’s ability to overcome disease & heal itself.”
Helping you to find energy & motivation that you once had.
Phil Johnston / BioChi ClinicYinYang Medicine Practitioner
How it Will Work for You.As we balance your internal health and strengthen your body’s structure & function, your own natural healing processes quickly regain their power; reviving your body’s ability to overcome disease & heal itself.
Location:24 Parkland Drive, Pacific ParadiseTake the Twin Waters-Mudjimba turn off the Sunshine Motorway. Turn towards Twin Waters & take the 1st Left into Kowonga Street.
Don’t Give Up On Your Health!Call Now.
Are your health problems resisting treatment? Call now.
Why BioChi?BioChi combines Eastern & Western Natural Medicines; ranging from the latest eating and nutritional science which uses plant-based, whole foods as medicine - denoted by the word ‘Bio’ through to ancient YinYang Needling which deals with ‘Chi’ (energy) & its balancing effects on our health. These medicines joined is what we mean by our term ‘BioChi’.
YinYang Needling is a powerful agent in the repair and recovery of severe injury & trauma.
Owen Wright’s YinYang Needling StoryWatch these short YouTube videos by professional surfer Champ Owen Wright. He explains how YYN aided his rapidly recover from severe brain injuries - it’s an amazing story.
BioChi Clinic Sunshine Coast is one of a group of clinics, with a support network of caring, experienced practitioners - connected with one another. We regularly meet to discuss cases with concerning or challenging problems.
NEW! Excitinghealthcare packagesfor when powerful, targeted therapy is crucial.
Do you feel really happy with your health?
“Losing your health or mobility is a raw deal! Everyone should enjoy good health. Remember how great it felt when you had it. Let me work to bring that feeling of vibrance and vitality back again.”
For all your Family’s NaturalHealthCare needs.Different problems effect your health at each stage of life. Your health in the next stage is built on the sum total of the previous stage. We can neutralise the residual ill-effects of past unresolved illness or major injury with the ancient medical craft of YinYang Needling.
Become a Practitioner of YinYang Needling in 10 months.This is an exciting opportunity to start a new career doing something truely worthwhile and rewarding - personally, medically & financially.Our students achieve amazing results with very difficult to treat conditions even mid-way through the course.
Tai-Chi ClassesI teach YinYang Tai-Chi and Kung-Fu Classes on the SunShine Coast. Tai-Chi is a fascinating activity to play. It is great for the mind & body.
Related Classes
Your Natural HealthCare Professionals
Your Natural HealthCare Professionals
Faster Results & Fewer Repeat Visits
COMMON-SENSE Practical Advice
I had a severe case of tendonopathy in both elbows. I could not move my arms or shut my hands because I was in so much pain. I was on pain killers and anti-inflammatories just to get out of bed in the morning. I now have no pain in my elbows, and full function of my arms & hands. I have lost a great amount of weight. I have returned to work after 18 months off. I experienced strong, positive results after the first couple of treatments. I credit my recovery to Phil Johnston of BioChi Clinic. Brian H. Peachester. QLD
Dear Reader,I love helping people get well; I’ve had 32 years of extensive clinical practise doing just that - with thousand of patients.The efficacy of YinYang Medicine is remarkable. It can bring rapid improvement to a wide-range of difficult to treat problems; and It is the treatment of choice for those problems.I’m distressed when I observe so many local people suffering from unrelieved ill-health; when relief would be available for them with YinYang Medicine. If you know someone who is struggling under chronic illness or pain; suggest they give me a call to see if I would be able to help in their case - I don’t make any guarantees nor false claims.Respectfully,Phil Johnston.
•Healing of Serious or Complex IssuesSupport for persistant or compound conditions.•101 Common Health ProblemsResolve causes - as well as symptoms.•Freedom of MovementInjury repair and relief from debilitating pain.•Diagnosis & SolutionsYinYang medical diagnosis to identify causes.•HealthCare Education Simple ways to maintain good quality of life.
Helping you to find energy & motivation that you once had.
Trusted ancient therapies & leading-edge nutritional science.